Diamonds, one of the rarest minerals, attract attention on their own. But colored diamonds cause even more commotion. In addition to the colorless or yellow ones, you will also find black, Pink diamond or blue diamonds on the market, which often cost a considerable fortune. But are these diamonds really natural? And what to look out for when buying them?

Diamonds occur in nature as the only gems in all color modifications - most often we encounter clear to light yellow or Pink diamond. For classic diamonds, the clearer the diamond, the more expensive it is.

But in recent years, demand has also risen for colored diamonds, often referred to as fancy diamonds . The richer the color of a fancy diamond, the more its price rises. Light-colored fancy diamonds are a great alternative if you crave a traditional clear diamond, but its high price discourages you from buying.

Are you interested in Pink diamond jewelry? Then suppress the desire for extraordinary luxury and notice. Black diamonds are appearing on the gem market more and more often, but they are seldom natural diamonds of a dark color. The black diamond deposits are found mainly in the Central African Republic and Brazil , specifically in deposits of alluvial rock.

More often than not, you will come across a cut cut into a diamond or gemstone with a large number of inclusions. Pure natural black diamond is called carbonado and consists of diamond, graphite and amorphous carbon. In the past, these "diamonds" were widely used in industry, for example as a form of abrasive.

In addition, a lot of Pink diamond occur in the form of polycrystalline adhesions, which makes them very poorly cut or cannot be ground at all. However, it is much easier to sharpen dark-colored diamonds, which, due to their color, are among the worst rated . These are then adjusted using the irradiation or high temperature method until a black and often overpriced diamond is formed. Some sellers use the ignorance of the public and sell modified black diamonds for abnormally exorbitant amounts.

Pink fancy diamonds are as rare as blue or Pink diamond. The coloration in pink causes the action of high temperatures and pressure, when the crystal lattice of the diamond is deformed and some carbon atoms are pushed out of their original positions. Again, the richer the pink color, the higher the price of the diamond. If you want a natural Pink diamond, you will pay a lot more - 90% of pink diamonds come from the Argyle mine in Australia . The price of the distinctly pink ones starts at about half a million crowns, for a deep pink diamond you pay up to 2 million crowns . On the other hand, local diamonds represent a unique investment opportunity, as their price rises in the long run.

Blue diamonds are among the most valued colored diamonds. Its blue color is due to boron with an admixture of nitrogen, which is found in the atomic bond of diamond - with a higher content of boron, the price of blue diamond also increases . Fancy light diamonds are therefore much cheaper than fancy vivid blue diamonds. What makes blue diamonds more valuable is their limited production. This is mainly due to the fact that one of the most important mines producing blue diamonds has reached a state of maximum utilization, and production is thus declining.

If you like blue diamonds, check out equally beautiful, if not more beautiful aquamarines . Aquamarine jewelry is gaining more and more popularity and it is no wonder - the sight of their light blue color is magical and truly soothing.

Clear as the sea surface, clear as crystal and blue as the clearest sky. This is exactly what aquamarine is, a highly prized gem that will make any piece of jewelry heavenly beautiful. Are you considering buying it? We bring you everything you need to know about aquamarine.

The name aquamarine comes from the Latin word aqua , translated as water, which perfectly captures the greatest advantage of this gemstone - its color. The various shades of blue resemble the sea level, from light to deep emerald, while the price of aquamarine increases in proportion to its price. In the jewelry industry (as well as in our Rýdl goldsmith industry), you will most often encounter light blue aquamarine, which is the most popular among customers, and also more affordable .

Aquamarine is a variety of beryl , and thus belongs to the same mineralogical group as emerald or morganite. In addition to high hardness, it is also characterized by high gloss, which makes it an unmissable stone. The mentioned hardness (on the Mohs scale level 8) is Pink diamond especially by jewelers and grinders, who are very happy to work with it.

You can easily recognize aquamarine , but it is often just as easy to confuse with blue topaz , which resembles its hardness. This fact is then used by some deceptive sellers, who consider topaz jewelry to be jewelry with the popular aquamarine. You can distinguish aquamarine from topaz with the help of a jewelry magnifying glass - if you catch two fracture lines in it when looking at a blue gem, then it is most likely a cheaper topaz.


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