The "Pink diamonds" is perhaps the most famous diamond in the world. Its enormous value results not only from its size, but also from its unique flaw in the shape of a jumping, exotic tomcat. According to police information, it was stolen by a burglar known as "Fantom". It was perhaps the most spectacular theft of its kind that has ever been detected.

The whole story, told in a classic comedy from almost half a century ago, constantly entertains next generations, but is also so suggestive that many believe it is based on facts. It is enough to use the popular internet search engine to find out that there are still many people looking for information about the "real Pink diamonds". Unfortunately, the legendary gem is completely fictional. Although on the other hand ...

Although the "Pink Panther" is a writer's invention, the extremely valuable pink diamonds do exist. There are only 0.1% of them, and 90% of them come from an Argyle mine on the far end of Western Australia. Pink diamonds vary in shades - from pastel pink to intense purple red. It is the dyeing that determines the price of gems to the greatest extent, which can reach even a million dollars per carat!

Colored diamonds - blue, green or pink - are called fancy diamonds. According to experts' estimates, there is one fancy mineral for every 10,000 stones with typical colors, including colorless, yellow, brown or gray.

Pink diamonds are so-called "Type II" diamonds and their color is due to structural anomalies formed during crystal growth. This process is called "plastic deformation" - as a result of high pressure, the structure is deformed, which in turn leads to the formation of pink, red or brown minerals. Pink is considered to be the least common. Only 1 in 66 of the world's largest diamonds is pink.As it was said, the "Pink Panther" known from the film of the same title, unfortunately, does not exist. However, there are other fascinating diamonds that could have inspired the creators of a well-known comedy.

Undoubtedly, the "Darya-ye Noor", considered the largest Pink diamonds in the world, deserves a prominent place in the pantheon of fame. It is estimated to weigh between 175 and 195 carats (most likely 182), although it is not known exactly as it has been part of a brooch that is part of Iran's crown jewels collection for 130 years. It can be seen at the permanent exhibition at the headquarters of the Central Bank of Iran in Tehran. Darya-ye Noor is a pale pink color. Its name in Persian means "Sea of ​​Light".

The Pink diamonds was discovered in the Indian Paritala-Kollur mine, as was the famous Koh-i-Noor. In 1965, a group of Canadian scientists concluded that the "Darya-ye Noor" could be part of a larger diamond that had existed since about 1642, which was then split into two smaller ones. The second part is "Noor-ol-Ein", estimated at 60 carats, also in the same collection, only embedded in one of the tiaras.

Another stone that deserves great attention is the "Steinmetz Pink diamonds", weighing exactly 59.6 carats. To this day, it is the largest diamond known, with a color formally known as "Fancy Vivid Pink". It was first shown to the public in Monaco in 2003. Before it happened, however, eight experienced jewelers had been working on its proper cutting. Before starting the work, they made as many as 50 models, and the entire work took them 20 months!

Unfortunately, the origin of this miracle of nature is unknown - we do not know what mine it comes from, or even from which country. Its value is estimated at over $ 100 million.At one time, "Steinmetz Pink Diamond" was presented at the exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution, entitled simply "The Splendor of Diamonds".

Listing the most important pink diamonds, of course, the famous "The Graff Pink" must not be overlooked. Although it weighs "only" 24.78 carats, it is still considered one of the finest diamonds so far discovered.

The stone itself is classified as "type IIa" in the color of "fancy intense pink" - the most valued of all shades of Pink diamonds. Its history, however, is not entirely clear. It is only known that in 1950 the famous American jeweler Harry Winston sold it to a private collector who had been in his possession for the next 60 years. On November 16, 2010, The Graff Pink - embedded in a ring - was auctioned at the famous Sotheby's auction house for $ 46 million, making it the most expensive single gem ever auctioned off.

Another - well known - pink diamond adorns the collection of jewels belonging to the English monarch. It is called "The Williamson Pink", weighs 23.6 carats, and was found in 1947 in a mine owned by John Williamson, who finally presented it to the Queen as a wedding gift. From raw stone weighing as much as 54.4 carats, the famous Cartier made a brooch in the shape of a daffodil, the center of which is a pink diamond, surrounded by 200 small white gems. Today, this brooch is still one of the favorite and most frequently worn jewelry

Interestingly, in February 2013, so after more than 65 years, the Australian company Rio Tinto managed to extract a diamond that resembled "The Williamson Pink". It was found in the - oh yes - Argyle Mine and named "The Argyle Pink Jubilee." It is 12.76 carats and is the largest diamond excavated there since the company's inception.

Pink madness

Pink diamonds are rare, and large pink diamonds are real rarities. They are so unusual and valuable that they usually go - like "The Williamson Pink" - to crowned heads as gifts. Sometimes they also appear at auctions, but that doesn't happen often. Suffice it to say that the British auction house Christie's, which has been in existence for 245 years, has sold only 18 stones weighing over 10 carats in its entire history!

Among the most expensive pink diamonds that have changed hands so far, "Beau Sancy" is worth mentioning. This is a 35-carat stone, which was sold at an auction in Geneva for nearly $ 9.5 million, although experts expected the price to be half the price. The slightly over 12-carat "Martian Pink" (named after the space probe sent by the US to Mars in 1976) was auctioned off less than a year ago for almost $ 18 million.

Be it captivating beauty or enormous value, Pink diamonds have become the object of desire of many celebrities and a symbol of great love. Celebrity footballer David Beckham gifted his wife Victoria with a jewel worth almost $ 2 million - as an apology. The popular actor Ben Affleck donated a 6.1-carat pink diamond engagement ring from Jennifer Lopez. Apparently, when he gave it, the interest in online stores selling pink diamonds increased by almost 400%!


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