Pink diamonds are one of the most coveted things on earth and we do not refer only to the present moment, because for centuries people have seen in diamonds one of the greatest miracles of nature. It's not just about their beauty and brilliance, qualities that place them in the top of their preferences, but about many other amazing things that characterize them. Thus, we reveal 10 curiosities about diamonds that will make you fall in love with them irretrievably.

Many of us don't even realize how old the Pink diamonds we buy is and how the years it has gathered give it the shine it has, mounted in a piece of jewelry. All diamonds were formed over several billion years, some of the oldest dating back 3 billion years.Curiosity makes you wonder how diamonds are formed ? Well, find out that they are made almost entirely of pure carbon. Somewhere around 160 kilometers underground begins the magic of diamond transformation, when the bonds of carbon atoms are altered under the heat and pressure of the earth, resulting in a crystalline structure, similar to the diamond stone we find mounted in jewelry, engagement rings or verighete.

The word diamond comes from the Greek "adamas" which means invincible , invincible, unbeatable, invincible.Pink diamonds is the hardest substance discovered on earth . No wonder it was chosen as the ideal option for the engagement ring and wedding rings, isn't it?Among the ancient beliefs there is the common belief that the diamond gives strength to the wearer , that it protects him against evil and that it has healing properties against the most devastating diseases.

The largest diamond ever discovered is the Cullinan diamond , which weighed an incredible value of 3106 carats, which means a total of 621.35 gr. The Cullinan diamond was discovered in South Africa in 1905 and was given to King Edward VII for his 66th birthday. In the end, the diamond was cut into 9 diamonds that now adorn the Crown's jewelry .The first "official" Pink diamonds engagement ring is considered to be a gold ring with diamonds arranged in the shape of the letter "M", given to Mary of Burgundy in 1477 by Archduke Maximillian of Austria.Where are the diamonds found? Worldwide. The original source, however, was India, after which Brazil and Africa proclaimed their supremacy as the main source of diamond extraction. Today, diamonds are also successfully mined in Canada, Botswana, Russia and Australia .

One of the 10 curiosities about diamonds is the color: Diamonds are not just white .The most amazing thing about diamonds is that in 2004 researchers discovered a planet that is apparently believed to be made entirely of diamonds . The planet received a proper name "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" , a name inspired by the famous Beatles you know that the most sought after are pink diamonds, especially Argyle Pink diamonds , mined in Australia? The prices for these pink diamonds have no upper limit, and they are usually valued at hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. In addition to pink diamonds, blue diamonds are some of the rarest diamonds, while colors such as yellow, cognac or champagne are more common , making them the most affordable variants of colored diamond options.
Are you getting ready to ask for your beloved marriage but you don't know exactly which engagement ring to choose? Not sure what the difference is between a zirconium and a diamond and why do most girls expect a large diamond ring? From our article you will find out how much the carats of a diamond matter when you decide to buy an engagement ring.

What you need to know: the average value of a Pink diamonds engagement ring is certainly not 100,000 lei. Even if an engagement ring should cost about three average salaries per economy , ie (in Romania) around 5,000 lei, in fact, the most bought models of diamond engagement ring have the average price between 2000 and 4000 lei.

Trends vary widely around the world. For example, in the United States, probably due to the influence of Hollywood, diamonds mounted in engagement rings tend to be slightly larger compared to the average size of diamonds purchased in Australia. In Romania, the tendency is, in general, to opt for a high quality of gold and the choice of a medium or slightly smaller diamond. Because nothing compares to a gem of pure brilliance, Romanians prefer diamonds smaller but May brighter,  instead of larger  but glow extinguished The ideal size depends on a number of factors. Before entering a jewelry store you need to know what is the budget allocated for this jewelry! This is vital. It is very easy to be seduced by all the shine of jewelry and end up buying a diamond that will ruin all your savings.

Our goal, at Pink diamonds, is not to consume your entire budget, but to help you choose the perfect ring, within your budget. Once you have decided what the budget limit is, it is very simple to immediately eliminate the much too pretentious options, which you cannot afford.


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