
Showing posts from November, 2020


Darya-i-Nur or "Ocean of Light" is one of the largest Pink diamonds in the world and the largest pink diamond ever discovered. It is, along with Kooh-i-Noor, the most important diamond in Asia Darya-i-Noor was discovered in 1739 in a mine in Andhra Pradesh, one of the states of India and came directly into the possession of the famous Moghul dynasty and belonged to the first emperor of the dynasty, Mohammed Moghul. In the same year, Emperor Nader Shash of Persia invaded northern India, occupying the capital Delhi and killing much of the city's inhabitants. All the treasures of the city were handed over, thus entering the possession of the Iranian leader. In 1741, Nader was assassinated, and his nephew, who succeeded him to the throne, came into possession of India's most valuable  Pink diamonds : Darya-i-Noor and Kooh-i-Noor. It was then transmitted from generation to generation in a raw state, from generation to royal line, until 1831. The then leader, Nasser-ed-Din


As seen in the Pink Panther Diamond, although fake for cinematic effect, pink diamonds are so captivating that it has to be some trick of magic that stones like these can exist out in nature. With their striking color,  Pink diamonds  are a symbol of luxury, romance, and elegance. As a piece in a diamond collection, these loose diamonds garner such a high value that they have the potential to overshadow any other diamonds a collector may own. Pink diamonds may go for 20 times more than their white diamond counterparts. Clearly for good reason, celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham, and Queen Elizabeth II have been spotted clad in pink diamond accessories. Pink diamonds range from very light pink to a deep, rich Pink Panther-esque pink. Once again, just like other colored diamonds, the more intense the color, the higher the value. Along with the gorgeous pink color, many  Pink diamonds  have additional color components that make each diamond unique. Orange, brown, and pu


Diamonds, one of the rarest minerals, attract attention on their own. But colored diamonds cause even more commotion. In addition to the colorless or yellow ones, you will also find black, Pink diamond or blue diamonds on the market, which often cost a considerable fortune. But are these diamonds really natural? And what to look out for when buying them? Diamonds occur in nature as the only gems in all color modifications - most often we encounter clear to light yellow or  Pink diamond . For classic diamonds, the clearer the diamond, the more expensive it is. But in recent years, demand has also risen for colored diamonds, often referred to as fancy diamonds . The richer the color of a fancy diamond, the more its price rises. Light-colored fancy diamonds are a great alternative if you crave a traditional clear diamond, but its high price discourages you from buying. Are you interested in  Pink diamond  jewelry? Then suppress the desire for extraordinary luxury and notice. Black diamon


If there is a fancy diamond whose color can be associated with wealth and fame, it is undoubtedly the pink diamond. Indeed, the pink diamond has known a real craze with celebrities since the early 2000s and especially since 2002 when the American actor Ben Affleck offered his companion of the moment, the singer Jennifer Lopez, a Pink diamond of 6.1 carats. Several years later, David Beckham, British football star, hastened to offer his Victoria a 10-carat pink diamond. Other celebrities have been victims of the success of these pink diamonds including Kate Moss, Christina Aguilera and Elizabeth Taylor. But what do we really know about pink diamonds? Where does its color come from and how can we assess its quality and value? Because a pure pink diamond, showing no other tint of color is extremely rare. However, these various and varied hues of colors that a pink diamond can take are worth it a unique beauty. This is what GemePrice's ultra sophisticated software sets out to demonstr


 A 59.60 carat Pink diamonds called "Pink Star" was sold in April 2017 at Sotheby's in Hong Kong for a record $ 71.2 million ($ 1194600 / carat). The diamond had a preliminary value of $ 60 million. The unique stone was acquired by the Hong Kong jewelry company Chow Tai Fook (CTF), which renamed the diamond “CTF Pink Star” after the brand name. The gemstone has excellent quality characteristics. The color of this diamond is Fancy Vivid Pink by the Gemological Institute of America, and IF is clarity. This diamond is classified as a Rare Type IIa. It was cut from a 132.5 carat diamond mined by De Beers in 1999 in Australia. It took about 20 months to cut the stone. For the first time this  Pink diamonds , under its old name "Steinmetz Pink", was shown to the public in Monaco in 2003. This diamond was previously exhibited at Sotheby's in November 2013 in Geneva. Then he left for a record $ 83 million. But at the end of February 2014, it became known that the b


Pink diamonds , gold or platinum jewelry, noble and beautifully shiny jewelry has made history over time. The diamond is the most beautiful and shiny gemstone that mounted in white gold or yellow gold blends harmoniously and the result is a beautiful jewel of millions of euros. Over time, diamonds have made history. Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, Lady Di, Elizabeth Taylor are some of the famous names who wore diamonds or diamond jewelry that wrote history. "Heart of the Ocean" is the most famous  Pink diamonds  in the world. Kate Winslet wore that beautiful jewel (the diamond pendant chain) in the lead role of the Titanic. The film reveals the history of that diamond that had belonged to King Louis XVI and was cut into a heart shape only after the French Revolution. The jewelry house Harry Winston created an exact replica of the necklace replacing the famous diamond with sapphire. Gloria Stuart, actress who played Rose in old age, wore the Harry Winston creation to the 1997 Acade


The " Pink diamonds " is perhaps the most famous diamond in the world. Its enormous value results not only from its size, but also from its unique flaw in the shape of a jumping, exotic tomcat. According to police information, it was stolen by a burglar known as "Fantom". It was perhaps the most spectacular theft of its kind that has ever been detected. The whole story, told in a classic comedy from almost half a century ago, constantly entertains next generations, but is also so suggestive that many believe it is based on facts. It is enough to use the popular internet search engine to find out that there are still many people looking for information about the "real  Pink diamonds ". Unfortunately, the legendary gem is completely fictional. Although on the other hand ... Although the "Pink Panther" is a writer's invention, the extremely valuable pink diamonds do exist. There are only 0.1% of them, and 90% of them come from an Argyle mine on


Many famous diamonds have a long and intriguing history that is often centuries old. But the Pink Star Diamond is fairly new. This year, it celebrates its 20th birthday. De Beers mined the Pink Star in 1999 in one of their mines in South Africa. When found, the rough Pink diamonds weighed 132.5 carat. But the size wasn’t the only thing that made it such an extraordinary discovery. It was the remarkable color that captured the heart. The so-called Fancy Vivid Pink is a very rare color, let alone in a diamond of this size. Steinmetz Pink diamond s bought the rough stone from De Beers. They decided a diamond this rare needed a special cut. Steinmetz took no less than 8 polishers and 20 months to cut the pink diamond. Even for rare diamonds, this is a very long time. Considering it takes one polisher about 8 hours to polish a one-carat diamond. But the result is also impressive. The final product weighs 59.60 carats. It has an internally flawless clarity grade and was laved as fancy vivid


A 59.60 carat  Pink diamond  oval diamond called "Pink Star" was sold in April 2017 at Sotheby's in Hong Kong for a record $ 71.2 million ($ 1194600 / carat). The diamond had a preliminary value of $ 60 million. The unique stone was acquired by the Hong Kong jewelry company Chow Tai Fook (CTF), which renamed the diamond “CTF Pink Star” after the brand name. The gemstone has excellent quality characteristics. The color of this diamond is Fancy Vivid Pink by the Gemological Institute of America, and IF is clarity. This diamond is classified as a rare type IIa. It was cut from a 132.5 carat diamond mined by De Beers in 1999 in South Africa. It took about 20 months to cut the stone. For the first time this  Pink diamond , under its old name "Steinmetz Pink", was shown to the public in Monaco in 2003. This diamond has previously been exhibited at Sotheby's in November 2013 in Geneva. Then he left for a record $ 83 million. But at the end of February 2014 it becam


It's amazing how one and the same stone can awaken in a person a variety of intentions and aspirations - an unfair struggle has been fought over diamonds for centuries, today these precious stones are the most valuable exhibits at exhibitions, and the cost of diamonds at auctions rises to unimaginable limits. Pink Diamonds evoke the brightest emotions, delight, but at the same time give rise to dark thoughts, inspired by the desire to single-handedly possess the treasure.In the world of jewelry, everything is not so categorical, diamonds in products and accessories are so widely represented that each buyer can choose stones in any price category, literally from several thousand rubles. This gem is a diamond cut in a special, ultra-precise way: the facets are arranged in such a way that the natural beauty of the stone is emphasized - its color, transparency, light refraction. Jewelers have developed enough types of cut to find a personal approach to each diamond, a way that will he


What kind of diamonds cannot match colorless diamonds, even if they are of high transparency and cut quality? Of course, with their fancy “fellow rivals” - colored diamonds: pink, blue, blue, etc. diamonds.The Pink diamond has long been considered the rarest of the colored diamonds. After the opening of the Argyle mine in Australia, the situation changed, and now a pink diamond is a rare stone, but not like, for example, a red diamond. It is important to note that the color of both stones is due to small deformations in the crystal lattice. In nature, there is only one pink stone for every 100 thousand diamonds. And of course, pink diamonds are much less common, which, after cutting, produce diamonds weighing several carats. Pink diamonds are found in just a few mines. The main production of  Pink diamond  is carried out mainly in India, Africa, Australia and Brazil, currently the most famous source of pink diamonds is northwest Australia. But since the share of all fancy diamonds in


A rare Pink diamonds   due to its weight, color and purity could break the record price per carat for a stone of this color at its auction in Geneva, with appraisers expecting the sale price to reach up to 50 million dollars (EUR 44.1 million).  "It weighs exactly 18.96 carats. "When we know that most pink diamonds weigh less than a carat, then we are talking about a very large weight," explained Jean-Marc Linnell, an international jewelry expert at Christie's."Pink Legacy", in intense deep pink color, is classified in the category "fancy vivid", the highest in the scale used for colored  Pink diamonds . "Fancy vivid" diamonds weighing more than 10 carats are almost unknown in auction rooms, as only four pink "fancy vivid" diamonds have been put to the hammer at auction, according to Christie's. "Pink Legacy" also belongs to the so-called type II diamonds, which means that it contains little or no trace of nitroge


Pink diamonds are one of the most coveted things on earth and we do not refer only to the present moment, because for centuries people have seen in diamonds one of the greatest miracles of nature. It's not just about their beauty and brilliance, qualities that place them in the top of their preferences, but about many other amazing things that characterize them. Thus, we reveal 10 curiosities about diamonds that will make you fall in love with them irretrievably. Many of us don't even realize how old the  Pink diamonds   we buy is and how the years it has gathered give it the shine it has, mounted in a piece of jewelry. All diamonds were formed over several billion years, some of the oldest dating back 3 billion years.Curiosity makes you wonder how diamonds are formed ? Well, find out that they are made almost entirely of pure carbon. Somewhere around 160 kilometers underground begins the magic of diamond transformation, when the bonds of carbon atoms are altered under the he